Archive for June 29th, 2011

An Excuse: Why I Didn’t Write This Post 40 Minutes Ago

I totally opened up my laptop quite some time ago, hopped onto WordPress, and was about to click “New Post” when I saw a fantastic article (about increasing productivity by setting up limitations for yourself similar to those presented to you when you ride an airplane) and decided that I simply had to read it. In retrospect, maybe I should have considered increasing my productivity during the school year. Either way, though, I read this article, which just so happened to have a few links at the bottom. So I clicked one of those…

And here I am, much later, with many more articles under my belt of Articles-That-I’ve-Read (can I have a belt like that?), and feeling a little bit of Late Night Motivation coming on.

Late Night Motivation is basically what happens when I read something and then feel a sense of “Hey, I can do that!” which causes me to want to do whatever it is that I think I can do. So, I try to.

This has, in the past, lead to some serious Late Night Cryings and Late Night Feelings of Hopelessness and/or Dejection. I’ll post tomorrow if anything terribly heinous goes down due to my well-intending motivations.

Anyways, so the reason I haven’t posted by this point in the evening is because I managed to read about a million blog posts that were all daisy-chained onto each other, and I have to click every link presented to me.

Welp, my Late Night Motivations have lead me to the conclusion that it’s time for me to sign off and go write The Great American Novel. So, I’ll be seeing you! God-gi’-go-den, chickedies!